Profile PictureSpiro Renard

TAD Taidum Muzzle

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TAD Taidum Muzzle

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My issue with the Taidum Community

First off, thank you to everyone in the Taidum community that gave me the ideas of all my assets, and for enjoying my assets with yourself and others. It really means a lot to me, and at first, I thought I had found myself a home in the Taidum community. Stuff happened, stuff changed, and people showed their true colors. As many of you know, my TAD Hoodie is a free asset. I put a lot of time and work into it and I will always keep it free. With this in mind, I wanted to make money from other assets. Others suggested a Harness, which I began putting the work into having already made a free one that was very low quality, and the "Irix and Friends" Discord Staff was fine with it. This gave me the impression that It would be okay to continue working on the asset. Midway through, I became bored with the project having issue after issue. So I decided to make something smaller and I did my TAD muzzle. The first design featured just a normal Raindear Style, A single band that went around the head and around the muzzle. I shared with a staff member that I was in the works on Harness-styled assets with no complaints. I decided to add another middle strap down the center of the head, of course, customizable based on others who found it too explicit. I made a preview render of the asset and shared it on Discord. Having thought it was okay based on staff interaction. The community became greatly upset with my asset, have I posted it during the time another user posted the Gag strap for the Taidum. Users began to complain, even going as far as claiming I made the Gag strap along with my muzzle. (50% of that being correct) and using it as an excuse to say I sexualized the Taidum. I got multiple DMs from staff getting threats I had to delete my asset along with them all of a sudden wanting to delete my OLD harness that was already on many public and private Taidum avatars to the point of even being visible during meetups with no complaints. This confused me, and on top of that staff began to Which hunt me, even saying they would create a new server rule based on my actions. This really hurt my social status in the community in the most stupid ways possible. Followed by a lot of drama to come with that. I made complaint after complaint about the way they treated me, even contacted Irix telling him the way his staff started to treat me. He ignored all of my DMs. The only staff member taking my side was Electra Fox. He broke a few rules and DMed me screenshots of what the staff was saying to me behind my back. 1 in particular really hits me hard. I DMed that staff member directly sharing the screenshot of what was said and let's just say I wasn't the nicest. And this was because I'd already dealt with enough shit and I felt like I was past being nice. From this, Electra fox got caught and demoted. Staff excuses being by "other means" and then validated to me. Soba (Staff) DMed me saying how Electra was basically manipulating me and at that point, I didn't know who to believe anymore. I broke out into tears and Soba ended up being my arm to lay on for a few. Irix then made a tweet saying how he wanted to DELETE his whole community with 2,275 members on Discord because there was "Too much drama." (Good job dealing with the situation for an adult right?) I DMed all the staff and apologized. Got my act together and just left it at that. At the time, members continued to talk behind my back about stuff that was not even true. After this, I didn't give a shit anymore and gave my Muzzle a Bone adding quality without the limits of the server rules. Because of the way I got hurt, I wanted to stop staff from exploring and hurting others the way I was hurt. So I rewrote the rules. They were addressed as the old basic server rules, but with an added few and explained "better" or in detail on what you could or could not do. It ended up getting a lot of attention and many community members agreed with me. I thought I had won this battle... but the staff ignored me. I DMed Rolo (Staff) many times about it as a reminder.. even sharing what I had done. After months of being ignored, they came out with the new rule system. It wasn't like mine at all and didn't address any of the big problems with the server. Including the issues I had that hurt me so badly. Some rules were even so vague in my eyes that they could have been exploited or falsely flagged to the wrong people. I complained about it, and shared my thoughts.... and then Rolo just said "If you don't like the rules... Then leave" then so I did... After talking about the situation when friends, I decided to get over it. I was hurt, nothing would change, and I had to get over it. I and some friends thought it would be funny if I joined the server to just say Hello, while they posted the muzzle with a reindeer Demon use case for Halloween. I replied saying "Oh nice. Using the muzzle." And then I took the opportunity to start deleting my assets of Discord. I didn't want people using my assets if I wasn't even involved in its nasty community anyways. It was a good laugh for me and some friends then I left. Not even a few days later they made an announcement completely banning all harness-related assets. And some other assets that were banned that I actually agreed with. I joined the discord, making yet again another complaint. Because you know, freedom of speech. (Not) Then another user vaguely stood up for Rolo not knowing the full situation and basically called me a pedophile for exposing minors to sexual content. (That wasn't even made to be fully sexual) I stood up to myself, stating my IRL age and how they can't call me a pedophile if I'm 16. Even then, I always tried to filter my scenes of "humor" around younger users. I'm a teenage boy, I'm going to have a sense of humor like that around other friends. Out of the blue, me not even BREAKING any of the community rules, Rolo banned me saying "I banned Typical. I'm tired of his shit."... Wow. After this and on top of IRL shit I basically just started falling apart. Soba DMing me screenshots of what people were saying about me on Discord, then I go to vent or make a comment just for him to ignore me. Thanks for the sucky information, and thanks for not helping me through this. And that brings me to now... I will no longer be supporting anything with the Taidum other than taking commissions. I'm no longer making Taidum assets or updating my current assets. This is my middle finger to the community that hurt me most, and to this day still continue to talk behind my back.

TAD Taidum Muzzle

Why hello there! Once again I have another asset for the Taidum! We have you a muzzle! The head strap and the bone are 100% togglable, so if you wish not to have some assets on your model you are 100% able to remove them. I have included the substance paint files if you wish to customize the default texture.
This asset is considered by some as "Suggestive" so please be responsible for this asset.

Updates & Changes

6/27/2022 - v0.1

- Here I will put change logs if I make any updates to my asset.

VVVV Time for setup instructions! VVVV

TaidumMuzzleBySpiro_v#.# From Scratch Setup

This package only has the model and the prefab, all the blend shapes you will need to add yourself.

Step 1 - Import the package, then drag in the .prefab file for the muzzle into your Hierarchy.

Step 2 - Right Click and unpack the prefab. After opening up the prefab you will see the Armature. Inside the Armature, you’ll see MuzzleHead, MuzzleNose, MuzzleJaw, etc. You need to drag and drop these bones into the bones on your base model. For MuzzleHead Goes under the Head in the Hierarchy, MuzzleJaw goes under the Jaw, and so on. If you find any bones with names that don’t match a body part, don’t touch it. Leave it inside the parent it was already in.

Step 3 - After setting it up in the Hierarchy, The Muzzle is basically set up. However you will want to pull back the fur so that it isn't clipping through the head. You can edit your model in blender and add 2 blend shapes. Name them whatever. 1 needs to hide the side fluff, and the other needs to hide the top hair fluff.

Rules & Terms

I don't care what you do with the Muzzle. However, I do have some terms I'd like you to please follow!

  1. Don't claim you made the muzzle. I put a lot of time and work into making this, and I don't need someone else running around saying they did all the hard work.
  2. Don't redistribute Muzzle files! I have taken the time to create this, and I would like to have the credits for my work.
  3. Be responsible! Use common sense when using the assets. What you as a person put on your avatar, is your choice on what you do and it is also the choice of what the model creator wants on their model.

That's it! Enjoy your TAD Taidum Muzzle!

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You'll get the muzzle customizable assets, substance files, and textures. Which will be in a ".unitypackage" format.

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